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are my scores just enough for georgia tech (comp science)?

im an international student, got 1680 in sat, c.r. 490, maths 660, writting 530…

i gave toefl paper based test and got 603

im doing the IB diploma, and getting pretty decent grades.

i have given the sat 2 times and thinking of giving it again….. should i or should i not…

what univ. other than ga tech should i be looking at?

Top 1 Answers

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1. Why don’t you contact GT and ask them about their admission requirements?

2. You need a lot of help in grammar. It’s attrocious.

3. I think you want to “GIVE” exams, not “TAKE” them.

4. We don’t know you or your needs. How could you expect us to suggest other schools?


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