AP or IB classes?
Which do colleges prefer more? Which better prepares students for college classes? And which exams are tougher?
Also, within a general (or detailed, if you prefer to look at it that way) viewpoint, which is better, or, more “worth it”?
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You have to take an exam to get the actual college credit from AP classes and if you dont score high enough you dont get it.
As far as IB classes… I dont know much about them.
But I would say forget about those two choices and sign up for Dual Enrollment at a local college/community college.
If your grades are decent you might be able to do this.
You basically take college classes while in high school in your junior and senior year- you still get all of the credits you need for high school but if you work hard enough you may be able to come out with a 2 year degree by the time you graduate high school and it doesnt cost anything.
I have not taken either classes as I’m only a sophomore in high school, but I’ve heard that the IB program is a killer, and you basically have no life if you decide upon the diploma program. There’s obviously more outside of school work if you choose the IB path, but with both, you still end up taking exams. Personally, I’m going to do the IB program, just because less schools have it and I like taking on a challenge. However, colleges weigh both programs about the same.
AP classes you MUST pass the test given at the end of the year to get credit… its a pain in the *** to transer with you to other schools. Also, some colleges only take AP class grades as Cs. (If you get an A in the class in highschool, its only a C in college terms)
Although I went to a good school that did have an IB program, since I worked so much I didn’t have time for it. I will say this, although it is a bit of a contradiction, the only kids who did IB were the weaker kids. The students with the highest averages didn’t do IB because they were too busy working. In fact, the kids who didn’t do IB did better in university as they have gone to med school, vet school and were accepted to Ivy League schools for graduate degrees.
I liked one AP class better than the other because of the teacher…it’s really personally preference…