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anyone out there who is an environmental engineer?

please tell me about how can i become an environmental engineer?where to study, what to study, how many years course is it?is there any other career which i can pursue in the field of environmental science?

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Any Engineering degree requires you to study all of your basic fields of science and Lots of Math. ( algebra, geometry, Trig. , Calculus) If you are not good with math I would suggest you not go into Engineering. There are lots of other degrees that can deal with enviromental sciences. Biology is a very large field that often deals with enviromental issues.

No matter what you decide to do for a degree it is important to remember that Experience is almost and sometimes more important than the degree you obtain. Try to find jobs that relate to the field you would like to work in. That will come in very handy when it is time to find a job after you have your degree.


It’d be usually your typical 4-year program. . . no idea on recommendations since I just know some about U.S. programs, though.

As far as environmental engineering, it usually involves a lot more math than environmental sciences do from what I’ve seen. From my perspective on the engineering side of the equation, the two big areas of environmental anything would be biology and chemistry. . . just depends on what you like and/or what your background is. I’m mostly in water chemistry and have had friends/colleagues who work with plants, microorganisms, air pollution, soild or liquid waste. . . and undoubtedly a lot more areas that don’t immediately come to mind if that’s of any help.


its a 4 year program. usualy at a university

best place right now is the University of Oregon


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