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Any French Out there? Pronounce Punnett?

As in Reginald Punnett, and the Punnett Square in biology. I am 44 and as a child my teacher pronounced his name , “PUNE-AY”…long “U” sound and long “A”. My kids’ teachers say PUNNETT…short “U”, short “E”. Which is it? Just curious…

Top 4 Answers
Little Girl Blue

Favorite Answer

I actually don’t believe that it’s pronounced AY at all. French words that end in “et” are typically pronounced AY and “ette” is ET. “Ett” is English, not French and is pronounced ET as well. So it should be prounounced “PUN-et” or even “PUN-it.” (Short U, short E, hard T.)

I’m a french canadian, but Punnett would not be a french name at all, unless it was written Punet then it would have been pronounced as you learned it, but otherwise it is pronounced as you would, in english. “Pun net”

Punnett was English, so his name would never be pronounced the French way, even if French had “ett” endings, which, as the previous poster mentioned, it doesn’t. So your teacher was being pretentious. ๐Ÿ˜› (In a weird way, too… what on earth made him/her think that it should be pronounced “the French way” in the first place?)

6 years ago
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Any French Out there? Pronounce Punnett?
As in Reginald Punnett, and the Punnett Square in biology. I am 44 and as a child my teacher pronounced his name , "PUNE-AY"…long "U" sound and long "A". My kids' teachers say PUNNETT…short "U", short "E". Which is it? Just curious…


Well, in America, it is pronounced “pun-net,” which I am assuming is what you meant by the short “u” and short “e.” But if one is pronouncing “Punnett” in French, it would be pronounced “poon-nay,” which is how your teacher pronounced it. So, I would think both pronunciations are correct; one is French and the other English.

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