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Anxiety, and studying?

When I study for exams I get nervous and can’t focus. What is the best way to deal with anxiety, and improve my memory for better retention of what I study.

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I found this on a forum ( and thought it might be useful to you:

In my experience, test anxiety had less to do with the content of the test and/or the process of studying, and more to do with what I believed about my ability to actually pass it. I found that once I tackled what I believed about my aptitude, I’d fly through the material as if I already knew it. Everything came clear once I took a step back. I’d take that “step back” by doing something entirely different, or thinking of creative ways to learn the material. These things were effective, I think, because they got me grounded and back in my body again, rather in my head and worrying. Study groups are GREAT for this because you’ve got it in your mind that you’re going the extra mile for the subject, and you’re socially connecting with others.

You might want to take a look at the book “Do Something Different.” I’ve found alternative approaches to be immensely helpful in tackling issues dealing with anxiety of all kinds.

Good luck!!!


I like Rachel’s answer, especially the part that talks about study groups. I suffered with test anxiety to a great degree. I would get symptoms that resembled the flu until the test ended. As soon as I completed the test, the flu symptoms would end. It was horrible. But I learned that the more I felt in control of the test and less that the test controlled me, the less anxiety I had. That is why I believe that study groups are good. You can add to your knowledge by listening to ideas others express that you may have missed in class. And others can learn from you in the group.

As well, pace yourself. Study a little at a time each evening or as soon as each class session is over. Rewrite your notes or highlight them and practice memorizing the page if possible. One of the best ways I found to study is to teach my information to someone else or pretend to have to teach it to someone else. Trust me, if you can teach it, you know it.

Hope this helps. God bless you.


I agree with the previous poster about studying in shorter segments. If you plan out what you have to know and break it into segments that are smaller it will seem much more doable and then should be easier to manage. Find that one way of making yourself remember lists or the order of things that works best for you. Some people make up funny little sayings or stories that help them rmember. I had a student once that was very athletic and we worked to make certain very difficult concepts tied to different types of movements and he was able to master concepts easier. I could watch him as he was taking a test and he would be running the patterns as he was solving the math problems it was really kind of funny but it worked for him. You really have to find out what is best for you everyone has their own little mechanism. Listening to quiet music might help. In Texas we have standardized testing that makes a lot of the students very nervous and I always tell them to just remember to do your best and show what you know and dont focus on what you dont! If you dont know one answer dont let that ruin the whole test just keep going! You will be fine! Good Luck!

Drink water it help clear your mind….and try studying for shorter sessions roughly 20-25 mins then take a 10 minute break and just chill.keep doing this. hope this helps xXx

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