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Answering “why do you want to attend this university?” in college application?

My counselor suggested thinking about “creative ways” to respond to this statement, but didn’t elaborate.

How would/did you answer this question? What approach did you take?

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The standard of education is at a high level that I am looking for. The clubs and activities are also attractive. (If you are looking to join a certain club or sport mention that too.)

Think of what you want out of your education and why you are applying to that school and what makes you think a certain school is your first choice. Show the admissions committee that you know something about their school. Do a little research on the internet and refer to the college catalogue. Show that you can be a well-rounded student and speak of your life goals and how attending that school will help you accomplish those goals.

Because I finally have found a school that is as passionate and determined about education as I am

I would give information about the university so that they know you like their campus. How about saying how…their campus is really inviting and it’s a great environment for you to study and continue your schooling! =) something like that.

oh baby
becuase it seems like a good college and i want a good job in the future

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