Am I just plain dumb?
Favorite Answer
There actually is a right way to study, and you probably haven’t used it.
Or maybe I should amend what I just said…There are several different learning styles. The trick is to find out which one you are and use that style in your future studies.
There is a right way to study “for you.” For someone else it may be different.
This will help you determine your learning style:
More about learning styles:
Learning style pdf here:
Like any skill, you have to practice vocabulary to maintain proficiency. Reading is an excellent way to do this, because you see the words in context. Or try visual stimulation – get a word-a-day calendar or post vocab lists around your home (next to the toilet is a great place, you always have a few minutes of “quality time” to spare there!).
i cant even memorize worrds easily .. i tried to do so for my aptitute test prep..
the best way to have good vocab..
go to learn 1- 2 meaning each day.. and try to use them in every possible sentence ..or associate words with different personalities.. put them in your compositions as well
for example
FLIBBERTIGGIBET : means a person who talks senceless..
a splitted brain person.. i call my gonna gonna be mother in law flibbi..hehee.. now i can never forget the meaning
Get it together.
I’m not in college though.
It doesn’t mean we’re stupid, it just means that our vocabulary is “out of shape”. Kinda like how lack of exercise would get our bodies out of shape.
*definition from google
An autistic savant (more commonly known as an idiot savant) is a person who expresses extraordinary mental abilities, often in the fields of numerical calculation (not to be confused with mathematics) (see also mental calculator), art, or music but usually set within the context of autism or mental retardation.
person who is mentally retarded in general but who displays remarkable aptitude in some limited field