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advantages of exams?

advantages of exams?

Top 6 Answers

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1. we get to learn MANY things.(adults say so)

2.we mug it up and thats an exercise for the brain to remember things(especially your gf’s birthday and the day u met her,)

3. we learn how to copy(which makes us friendly vth each other)

4.some children who are really concerned about exams, they don’t sleep the night before their exam(its a practice for them after they marry)

5.and people like me who act cool during their exams but are usually sweating inside(its gud for them, their BP gets regulated during exams)

hope u un-der-sand

oh sorry understood,( im having my xaam today) .*-)–


Too general question.

There are very different kind of exams and purposes of them. What to say about my university – exams is a chance to evaluate in one time period all that you about one subject. But it cannot be the only thing what makes the mark in the result because of the factors like stress, also cheating etc. I really prefer exams that are made to examine your way of thinking and general knowledge not some exact things you need to know by heart but not in the practical life.


well every coin has a got two sides positive and negative

the point is how we take it for? As like in my school exams are not phobia bcoz after exams we come to know our mistakes and can correct them. But for many student its phobia who dont have regular studies and think of doing every thing at last moment. Well you will be happy to know that my sis is researcher on these issues and she has got power packs for students to make our exams friendlier one so if you think my dear friend exam as a disadvantageous you may contact her at [email protected].

If i have mistaken somewhere or hurt you i am sorry for that friend

hope you will be liking my views


Exams, tests, and quizzes are just tools the instructor uses to know if the lessons are being learned. You can also use your own scores to see where you might need to study harder or even ask for extra help. Believe it or not, they were not designed by some evil genius to torture you! But I do agree that there are far too many government mandated tests.

It provides a rather easy way and quantitative measure for the teacher to gage where students are at and rate their progress.


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