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Above average scoring on the GED test?

What score is considered above average? The University I am applying to only accepts students who scored above average on the test. thanks.

Indiana state 🙂

Top 1 Answers
julie m

Favorite Answer

A perfect score on a GED sub-test (there are 5 sub-tests on the exam) is 800, so you could potentially have an over-all score of 4000. Most states require a minimum of 450 out of the 800 to pass.

However, I have never known for a university to consider an ‘above average’ score on the GED exam. I suppose they could, considering that the students I saw score close to an 800 on a sub-test of the GED exam typically had SAT scores of at least 1200 or higher. But if that is the case, why not take the SAT or ACT? it probably has more college level stuff on it than the GED exam.

I have known some students to score an ‘800’ on two or three sub-tests out of the five. Even in the 700’s, your’e doing well and considered way above average. Make sure you don’t need to take the SAT or ACT too and miss a deadline to take it!


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