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A. Following the Revolution, there existed two groups who formed the new Ruaaian government. Name these two.?

B. Name siz od the major differences between these two groups.







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The Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks. The Bolsheviks were basically Communist; the Mensheviks were a bit more moderate. Look them up on Wikipedia for more information.

(The Reds and the Whites were the two main factions in the Russian Civil War; it’s not quite the same thing.)


A the White Russians, the democratic former supporters of the Czar. And the Red Russians or communists, Bolesheviks.

1. The reds wanted a communist state, whites restore the Czar

2. The reds had more popular support from the Russian people than the Whites.

3. Whites represented the establishment and the desire the to keep things relatively as they were. The Reds dramatic rapid change no importance on wo it hurts.

4. The Whites had help from the West, USA,UK, & France all sent troops and aid to help White Russia.

5. The Communists had no help from any foreign state, they fought on in spite of the influence from abroad.

6. The Reds were ruthless and eventually victorious. The Whites were divided and corrupt. They couldn’t stand against a determined foe.


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