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SAT Preparation?

I’m planning to buy one of those SAT prep books to help prepare for the SAT reasoning test. Any suggestions on which one to buy? thanks for the help.

Top 3 Answers

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Well, get Barrons SAT Prep, Kaplan SAT Prep. and ALso Official SAT Prep from the collegeboard. I studied all the three, that helped a lot, because they all have different difficulty levels and some various approaches. So, I would recommend to get all three, since they are all very good. Also remember to study the tactics and strategy. Review is also useful: some basic topics in math, also reading in spare time and working with flashcards are useful things to do.

What’s the most important in SAT is always to be in control of the situation. Keep track of time, and you will be great!


I used the above program and scored a 2110 with 10 on my essay and 800 on math. And I’m international too. So, you will do even better.

Good Luck!


If you can survive Barrons, then you’re well prepared for the SAT. I swear by it. The other books are much simpler than this. Perhaps you can use them after you’re done with this one (considering you have time on your hands!)

first buy the official SAT study guide by collegeboard.

then buy other ones like kaplan, barrons and princeton review. study, and read and stuff. read books. goodluck


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