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What is the highest score you can get on a GED exam?

What is the highest score you can get on a GED exam?

Top 0 Answers
Anson L

Favorite Answer

The highest score is a 4000 which is extremly difficult to make the minimum is a 2250 and you must pass all areas with a minimum of 410. I dropped out and got a 3110 which is a GPA of 3.7

4 years ago
Ged Highest Score

7 years ago
The G.E.D. results changed. I received a 2610 when I took it. Gone are the days when they would score you in the 100s. Now it’s in the 1000s and yes, 2250 is the minimum and 4000 is the highest.

swt faith
The highest score you can get on a GED exam is 800.

Good luck!


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