how hard is 7th grade?
Favorite Answer
If you are a motivated student who genuinely wants to learn, achieve, and excel, then you may elect to take some of the more challenging courses that are offered to you.
If you are indifferent, you may simply take the “standard” set of 7th grade courses.
Either way, if you want to perform well, you’ll study aggressively and try your best.
If you are uninterested in excelling, you will do the “minimum” and most likely get B’s or B-‘s.
Don’t be nervous. Your own motivations can carry you far or, your own lack of motivations can carry you nowhere.
One should never be afraid to achieve and excel.
One should never be afraid of failure.
Only you will know inside whether or not you gave your all to an undertaking.
There is a saying:
“If it does not kill you it will make you stronger.”
You should:
1. Always give 100% effort to your endeavors.
2. Never expect you will go through life without setbacks or disappointments.
3. Never fear setbacks or disappointments. Attempting to do something worthwhile is better than sitting around and doing nothing.
4. Learn from your eperiences, and grow stronger.
When trying to “make it” in the “real world,” pure intellectual knowledge is part of the equation. One’s attitude, approach, motivation, and dedication play huge roles in one’s success.
If you think about it….if you fear the 7th grade now, wouldn’t you think you’ll fear the 8th grade, 9th grade, and so on?
Why live in fear?
Everyone one of your peers is experiencing the things, that alone should comfort you and help you relax.
Live life, enjoy life, PARTICIPATE in life. Don’t live in fear, of events nor failure at your attempts to live life in its fullest.
Good luck.
If you are going from elementary to Jr High then the only difference with that is more people and more vending machines. Changing class’s every couple hours is kinda cool because you only have to deal with an annoying teach part of the day.
i hated it!!!!
it’s the hardest grade i’ve been through so far!
it’s not extremely hard, but it is challenging ^_^