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Spanish CLEP?

I took a couple of years of Spanish in high school and now im on my fourth year in college and they are saying I need to take 2 semester of a language or pass the CLEP with an 80%, which I figured out means I can miss 30 odd questions.

Since I forgot most everything from high school I’ve spent the summer thus far learning spanish. I’m incredibly nervous as everytime I attempt to take the practice tests (from a spanish clep book i purchased) I get only about half of the questions correct & it takes me double the time given.

Is there any advice anyone can give me on what to study. Is grammar more important than vocabulary or visa versa? Is the listening section difficult ? Can I do it? Me getting my BA this winter depends on me passing this, i’m panicing. please help!

thank you!

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it depends on lot of factors, i’m hispanic and can tell you down there we go more for grammar, if you know verbs you should be ok, you will have to listen very carefully on the listening part.

Good luck, you got my addy if you any help.



I don’t know if you can easily get the credit through a CLEP test if you don’t know more stuff at this point. You rpoabbly would need more knowledge than you would ahve obtained in a couple of years of high school Spanish. You may have to do an overload and take 18 hours of credit (or more) to finish your degree on time.

pascal s
what you are looking for is ponctuation.the comma ,point . and the other related stuff. manly you have to do is sutdy the esay part how to figure out the task .i haope that will help you

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