74 % on math test = ?
My average on math this year was 74% (I hate math)…I think it’s around a C…but exactly what is the score (C-, C, C+)?
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No, it’s more like this
C- = 70, 71, 72
C = 73, 74, 75, 76
C+ = 77, 78, 79
Assuming it’s a standard bell shaped curve. Sometimes these things are graded on a curve if it was a real hard exam or the whole class flunks it.
Based on the basic grading scale, 74% is considered a solid C.
C+=79,78, 77
C= 76, 75,74, 73
C-= 72, 71, 70
Congradulations! you passed your math test!
Your 74% is a C because……..
C- (70, 71, 72, 73)
C (74, 75, 76)
C+ (77, 78, 79)
Most likely just a C. Unless your teacher has a grading scale that’s different from the basic one, then it’d vary. Like sometimes a 91% can be a B. Depends on your teacher’s grading scale, but you most likely have a C.
I’m in 7th grade so that would be a C. 2 Points later a C+.
It means you passed congratulations