Speech help!!!?
I have to have a speech written by tomorrow but I don’t know what to write about….. I want it to be a funny speech but Im not really a funny person….. Please help…..
Top 6 Answers
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say…i wrote this long speech and now im gonna speak my tru feelings… tear up the note but still have something in your head to say when u tear up the note!! stand out dude!
well if your not a funny person i reccomend something like Abraham Lincoln did a short speech that really gets everything out in as few as words as possible. For example
Why is george Bush considered a bad president! The easiest speech ever. “He went to iraq and poor economic gain”
Be Sincere
Be Brief
Be Seated
Write about the dangers of becoming a celebrity. There are lots of funny things about that.
Hmmmmmmmm… how about the international movie industry and New Zealand?
…or something with Kiwis.
you need to tell us what the speech is about