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yomo g

Ok my high school GPA is 1.50?

How many good grades do i need to get it at a 3.00?

like what?…..3-4 A’s?

Top 3 Answers

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All B’s gets you a 3.0.

To caluculate a GPA…

you take each grade,

A, B, C, D, or F.

A is worth four points,

B is worth three,

C is worth two,

and D is worth one.

Add them all up and divide that by how many classes you are taking and that is your GPA.


Well it depends on how many classes you have already taken and how soon you want that 3.00.

try getting all b’s or a’s and b’s or just all a’s. its really hard but i got all b’s and a D last year and my gpa is 3.25 but i had 5 classes snd the 5th classes. the 5th one had two classes joined together. Paideia class, so mine might be diffrent.

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