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omg…i need help!!!!?

im going to be a freshman in high skool this year and im freaking out!!! any good tips for friends, drama, and academics? pweez? THANKSSS:))

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avoid drama as much as possible. it amounts to absolutely nothing and wastes your time. as only a freshman in high school, i advise that you just make sure you have fun but still focus on academics. it’s junior and senior year that the going gets more tough as you look into colleges but for now, just relax, have fun, and be open-minded so that you can meet new people.

Your freshmen year is perhaps the best year in high school. no worries. if you want freinds, talk to everyone, dont limit yourself to people that only like what you like. people that are different than you (well most people anyway) dont mind talking to you, unless you are a concieted *****. drama sucks, and youll know if your invovled in it, which you probably will be at any given time, but ignore it, its a waste of everything. and dont be afraid to have a good time, never putting aside what you are there for. as the days go by, it will seem like an eternity, but again dont mind the time, because if you choose to have a crappy time, once its over your going to say it went by to fast, i could have done much more. and you dont what that.

The best thing that you need to know is to just be chill. Do not place yourself in any position where you can get targeted. And if you are, you won’t like it. Do as well as you can in school, not saying that you have to spend night and day for school, but as much work as you can. And friends, it is a hard thing to say, but, you will gain a lot of friends, but very few you really keep. In high school you kind of learn that friends come and go.

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