That we should have manditory imprisonment for people who start bushfires?
I have a debate tomorrow afternoon, so if anyone has any relavent information on this topic please help.
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I don’t believe in imprisonment but rather a rigorous education program with other consequences such as a tour of damaged property, a conversation with people who were affected, an animal hospital visit where injured wildlife is being cared for – anything to show the results of the action.
I believe that there should be manditory imprisonment. Individuals that start brush fires on purpose, put many people in danger. A brush fire could kill people or destroy homes. You don’t think that people should be punished for making other people suffer? They’re costing the government money. They’re costing people money. They’re taking up time. And besides, the smoke from the air spreads over an area so quickly, thus putting people’s health at risk. The smoke in the atmosphere is already harmful to the world and its environment anyways.
While I’m stating that there should be imprisonment, I’m not sure on what their sentence should be. I think it would all depend on the damages done.
It would be notable to mention that many brushfires are intentionally started by young firemen trainees. They want the action! I personally know of a dozen incidents of this happening. One actually caught thier own firehouse on fire, on purpose! It’s a sad thing, but it happens too often to ignore.
i think it’s brushfires…..isn’t it?? make sure for your debate or you could just sound like a moron from the start.