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High School-What should I expect?

I am going to be a fresh men. School starts in August. What are the kids like? I heard that the seniors are going to play a big huge prank on us-is that unusual? What are the pros & cons. What are the girls like? Do people ask you to do drugs? I know it sounds like im scared but im not im actually more excited. But please fill me in on as much as possible.THE PERSON WITH THE MOST INFORMATIONAL AND LONG ANSWER WILL GET THE BEST ANSWER!!!

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It depends on what clique you fall into, because whether you like it or not, there will be cliques. If you don’t know what a clique is, that’s another way of saying “a group of people with similar interests”.

For example, I was in the clique that was basically considered losers. Not goth, not nerd, but a nice mix of all the groups that the popular kids hated. If you’re in that group you can expect to be ridiculed and humiliated until around your senior year. If you’re in a popular group then please remember this and try to be nice to the other groups. Everyone has feelings, everyone wants to be accepted and liked.

Yeah, I was picked on. And yeah, I still think about it even though it’s been five years since I graduated. I think though, that most kids realize how cruel they were when they get out of high school and get a dose of reality. Many of the kids that were mean to me have apologized.

And no, I’m not ugly lol. I modeled for a while in Illinois. I just was the quiet, book-reading, drawing type, and the other kids didn’t like it. I feel even worse for the poor kids that were ugly, because they were teased worse than I was. I usually hung out with them because they were more pleasant to talk to than the prissy cheerleader types.

Anyway, sorry to rant, but you just need to do what you want to do. That’s the biggest thing. If you do something that you feel in your gut is not right just because someone else pressures you into it, then you are just a sheep with no mind of your own.

I advise you not to take any dates seriously during high school because no one has arrived at the person they are going to be yet. It’s not until you’re in your 20’s that you become the person you will be the rest of your life, and that is when you can truly judge if they are the one for you.

I’m not saying don’t have sex. Go for it if you want, it’s fun. Just don’t fall in love in highschool because 90% of the time it doesn’t last and only creates heartbreak.

Good luck.


Hey,Do not worry.

I am a junior or at least going to be one in August.And honestly,It’s nothing to be worried about.When you think about it this way,you’re not the only one there will be many many new kids and a lot of fresh mens as well.

What are the kids like?Well, there’s different kids in every school.Except little groups “the preps,goths,jocks etc..”I tend to not fit in the crowd nor label myself.Seniors play huge pranks? Oh brother!You only see that in movies or probably back in the days.I don’t know about the school you’re going to but the school I’m in no one makes pranks.

I certainly doubt people will ask you to do drugs.One thing you MUST be aware of is to not hang around with the wrong people.Something I do is I allow people to talk to me first.On the first weeks of school I usually observe,I observe people and all around and try not to disfocus.Girls,boys it’s not another country that you’re entering dear,it’s just high school.Something alike to middle school just a higher standard. Honestly don’t be too worried.Of course,you may get a bit nervous seeing so many new people but you will most likely get over that.

Never try to change yourself for any one no matter if it’s to make you any cooler.That’s something I see a lot in school.People tend to dress a certain way or act a certain way just to be liked,always stick to what makes you feel comfortable.

I don’t really know what else to tell you, once you’re in high school for weeks you won’t even be as worried anymore.Just try not to hang with the wrong people and enjoy yourself.If you need any further questions you may contact me and I’ll be gladly on giving you more information,but really high school is NOTHING compared to once you’re out in the “real world”.Now that’s what I am worried about.

Good luck and have fun.

Remember it’s just high school,you won’t be there forever.


Most of what happens has to do with who you hang out with.

Even though I’ve never had the chance to experience it for myself ( I’ve been to too many different schools.), I think you should definitely, in the beginning, hang with people you know from junior high. Everyone of them will be feeling the same about high school; You’ll all be in the same boat, so who better to be with than the ones who really know what you’re feeling at that very moment?

I never got that chance really lol, but I do notice it when the freshman come to high school for the first time, so I know it will help.

Some of the upperclassmen will look down on you only because they think they’re hot stuff for being older and knowing more about the school than you do at the moment. Just don’t let it get to you, they do that every year…

Everyone is different. Sure you’ll have the football players, and the cheerleaders, and the ‘geeks’, the ‘nerds’, the ’emos’…I do not like stereotyping at all, but I thought I should put it in here considering that you’ll hear labels everywhere in high school. People have tried to label me as many things, but I ignored it and it sorta died out. You know what I mean?

The girls in high school? Ah, that’s a touchy subject.

Even though I’m a girl myself I can definitely NOT lump all the others in with me.

But I do know many things.

If you want to talk, then just TALK!! Don’t be shy or think they’ll think less of you because you approach them. We’re all out of junior high by now, and I can bet we all are starting to mature the way we’re supposed to!

If you think someone is really cool or awesome, just tell them! Even if she’s not interested in you that way, she’ll get a major ego boost if you tell her she’s a cool person to you. But I doubt she’ll actually tell you it made her day 🙂

People don’t openly ask you to do drugs, well as far as I’m concerned. Some kids might ask if you have a cig or something, but other than that no.

So good luck with high school!!


Where I went to school the seniors never really picked on the freshmen like you see on TV. They pretty much stay to themseleves with their cars and their dreams of college…

You’ll probably meet people that do drugs. These kids are just trying to get attention mostly. They’re easy to spot.

Girls will get more comfortable with their bodies and dress like GAP models… for girls that don’t quite look like models will harbor major grudges…

The only social time you’ll get is between classes and the ever nerve wrecking lunch. You’re usually going to be so busy getting to your class you wont have time to stop and chat by your buddies locker.

Classes are so boring you’ll want to rip your hair out. Sleeping in class is the norm. Some teachers will be cool with this others will be really mean. Feel them out before you bring your pillow and blanket. Get used to this because college classes are about the same.

IF your teacher gives you a syllabus count your LUCKY freaking stars… that is everything they expect you for the whole term so you wont be caught with your pants down come pop quiz time.

That’s about all I can think of… AND HAVE FUN because life goes seriously downhill from there…


High-school is weird. Your gonna have some of the best moments of your life in highschool but your also gonna have the lowest moments in your life their too. Just act as though you would want to see someone else act. And to answer your question about the drugs. Yes, you will probably be offered drugs, that’s where you have to decide what you want to do with your life and if that will affect it. Your going to meet alot of new friends if you just talk to other people in your classes. Just remember, the people in your classes are probably just about as nervous as you, so lighten it up a little. Say something funny, help someone out. Also your going to probably be confronted by girls who are so up their asses that they will give you their most blatant disregard for anything. Be careful or them and don’t let them get to you.

you’re worrying too much. As did I , last year. I wondered the same things. kids are basically the same, except more mature and stuff. The seniors never played a prank on the freshmen at my school. people never asked me to do drugs.

if you need more, ask more specific questions..


miami kool kid
man heres all u need. are u gona get pranked? most problably. its tradition. u have the kids groups. the best group to be with is the jocks. i play football, im in middle skool but i have respect troughout highskools because they all know me from my games. u got the *nerds* is good to have some friends. theyll help you pass. *preppy people just get beat up by jocks and gangstas. u got different kinds of girls. chongas, nerdy, preppy, n steight sluts. but we all know u juz wanna get laid so go wit da slut. but dont expect a relationship.ya theyll ask u to do drugs, but if u do sports theyll never ask you because they know u cant. but if u dont do sports then ya. but all u gotta say is no

well, you seen the high school movies…its not that bad just keep to yourself and you will be fine..most of the ppl there will prolly be the same ppl you grew up with in elemetry and middle school, its gets easier yr by yr. of course there are all the cliques and what not just find ppl u feel comfortable with and stick with them..good luck!

It flies buy enjoy it and dont take it for granted!

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