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what does “he who knows does not speak; he who speaks does not know”?

what does “he who knows does not speak; he who speaks does not know”?

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Knowledge brings wisdom. Wisdom to share knowledge only when its required, with those who will appreciate it and when its needed. This is what the first line means. People who know won’t speak unless its needed and to those who will appreciate.

People who speak too much are most of the times those people who simply blabber. They lack confidence, wisdom and try to cover it by talking unnecessarily too much. They do not even realize that what all they talk sometimes is not related to the subject in concern. This is also interpreted as show off.

The saying “Actions are louder than words” fits very well in your query. People who know will not only say but will prove it. Either through their actions or by saying and sharing it which will make an impact in some way..


It states that people who know the answer to what ever the inquiry is don’t say what it is and those who do not know will speak and give you a false answer because they don’t know. It is actually an illogical concept to believe if you think you are going to get the answer to that statement here on Yahoo!Answers.

Good Luck!!!


he who speaks does not know: notice how people who talk too much only talk about b****sh**?

he who knows does not speak: people who have something do not talk about it. instead, they keep quiet.


Simply put, those who dont know much talk a lot. Those who know quite a lot, keep quite.

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