whats the best way to memorize all of the presidents…?
i have a test as soon as i get into school that requires me to know all of the presidents in order and their dates of office. (i know, retarded, right? i’m never going to use it again lol). is there a nice & easy way to do this? maybe a website that can help? or does anyone have any tips? thanks!
Top 4 Answers
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Here. You can learn them to the tune of ‘Yankee Doodle’.
5 years ago
Try starting when it’s assigned instead of waiting until the last minute. Ron Clark, who taught underprivileged kids, made a rap out of it. I suggest you get off the computer and start writing them all down. Then say each one five times over and write them down after the fifth time without looking. Then keep doing it until you get them all. The combination of writing and speaking them should help them stay in your memory.
get the book “yo miller fillmore” it makes up easy ways to remember the presidents.
by looking at the flash cards, remember there pictures.