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PLEASE HELP!! i need to answer the question..?

“how important is the home and tradition for jews”

i am really stuck for ideas please help me

i have to ..

-compare what happens in the home with what happens in a synagogue

-try to explain why and how you think Jews kept their tradition going – even in the Holocaust

-try to show how the ide of a promised land relates to the middle east

even the smallest bit of information you have can help me as i have no clue what to wright


Top 7 Answers

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The wikipedia page offers a lot of information as well as links to other Jew related things.

Hope that provides some help


The Jews believe that they are God’s chosen people, and that Israel is the promised Land – promised to them by God. Read Exodus in the Bible to get an idea. The laws & traditoins of judaism have been handed down since those times, and mark out their specialness as a people. There are strict laws about eating, eg u cannot have meat and milk together, so Jewish households have 2 sets of cooking stuff. Food has to be kosher (permitted). The Sabbath is observed in the home and at Synagogue. The idea of the promised land is at the heart of the conflict in the Middle East, as the Jews now possess it again & will never let it go. Some of the disputed territories form part of that original land. Interestinlgy, if u read the story of Abraham, u will discover that the ancestor of the Arabs and the ancestor of the Jews were half- brothers – same dad(Abraham) different mums (Sarah for the Jews, Haggai for the Arabs). It’s a bit random but I hope it helps.

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Jewishness is not a religion but a way of living to please an almighty, all-powerful Lord. Traditions are not something you do, passed down. Traditional ways are commanded by that Lord. To not serve that Lord would mean eternal damnation. It is not something you do but someone you become, a servant to the Lord.

go to wikipedia , they have everything explained there!!! Good Luck

jews sucks good luck in suck 😀

i would like to help~ but im clueless bout jewish traditions



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