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James E

what impact the glorious revolution have on the colonies?

what impact the glorious revolution have on the colonies?

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You can start with a basic wikipedia understanding of what the Glorious Revolution was. Then think about what sort of affect it would have had on the American Revolution and the colonial view of government.

The Glorious Revolution set into place constitutional government. The power of the monarch was restricted. People like John Locke argued that the power of government comes not from the divine right of kings but from the consent of the governed. This called into question the whole concept of colonies naturally belonging to the ruler of the colonial power. If the people need to consent to be ruled, don’t the colonists need to consent?

Power shifted in England from the monarch to governing bodies. Look up how the colonies themselves asserted more power for their own governing bodies rather than from the distant king.

Also look up how the Glorious Revolution resulted in England paying more attention to its own home affairs and less to controlling the colonies. How did this “benign neglect” enable the colonial economies and governments to thrive on their own?


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