How do i better educate my child?
I want them to let them watch news channels rather than waching only cartoons and also sports chennel.
Favorite Answer
School & Family.
well,a kid will pay more attention to his/her teacher rather what family you should be carefull of which school you send your kids.
after that, you & your family is very important, if you spend lots of time watching TV or going out, playing, etc, you won’t be seeing your kids sitting their room doing their homework, reading books & paying attention to news. so you should be doing part of what you want your kids to do. read a book yourself first, then ask your kids why they’re not reading theirs.
after all this, encourage them for what they do. & at the same time do not forget punishment. although what I mean from punishment is not only physical punishment. when you’re angry at them, if you don’t pay attention to your kids the way they understand why, they won’t be doing what have made you angry ever again.
These are the best ways I know of.
The school provides the basics.
What I think you need to do is find out what sparks your children’s imaginations, what they WANT to learn, and encourage it. Learn with them! They will see your enthusiastic love of learning new things and model it. If it is a foreign language or a musical instrument, it is not irrelevant. It stimulates their brains and sometimes translates to other skills in unexpected ways.
Kids are born curious about the world. They ask constant questions. Why is the sky blue? Why do the stars twinkle? How come birds lay eggs but cats don’t? If you let a child start asking questions they never stop. We sometimes discourage their natural instinct of inquiry, and hush them or tell them “because it is”. Grab them by the hand and say, good question! Let’s find out. Where can we look this up? Let’s do an experiment!
Grab those interests, be it in why spider webs are different patterns or what makes flowers grow, and run with it. Plant those seeds, crawl around the garden looking for orb weavers, explore the world and make learning about it FUN and interesting by letting the child’s own curiosity and interest drive the supplemental learning. The main thing is the kid will learn to keep asking questions and finding answers, and develop a life long love of learning. The school makes them sit for hours doing worksheets. By the time they get home, they need a different approach, to keep learning fresh and fun.
You could also take them to museums. Don’t just limit them to books. Kids learn better when they see things for themselves.