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Im 18, how do i go about dropping out of high school?

I live in Loudoun County Virginia and i was curious how the procedure of dropping out goes. Since i am 18 years of age will i need a parent to sign paper work with me? or am i free to do this on my own? Any information would be helpful.Thanks!

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thats a huge mistake, mark my word

If your 18 you can drop out on your own. You should go to the office at your school and ask what you need to do. Most likely you will go the main office where new kids must enroll to take care of this. I would also ask them where to take the GED test so you can at least have that. If your 18 and only have a year left it is not worth it to drop out. You can look into other schools that go as fast or slow as you go. (the school counselor can probably help with everything)

Justaboutpeace had a great point!!!


4 years ago
ok…the days once you will get with the aid of on not something yet your man or woman advantages are over. you % your GED. you will take a classification, then take the attempt. without that GED, you would be the guy in a eating place doing dishes or being a bunch. it particularly is once you’re fortunate sufficient to discover a job like that. maximum places that pay properly won’t hire all and sundry and not making use of a extreme college degree or GED. you say you have the opt to make good funds. you could not try this without a minimum of a GED. Get your certificates. in case you do not % to flow get the GED, chew the bullet and go decrease back to extreme college. it’s going to pay off interior the top. it would desire to look as though continuously, in spite of the indisputable fact that that isn’t.

Don’t drop out. Achievment is something to be proud of just like if this job in music production works out you will have a sense of achievment. You are so young so don’t get into the habit of quitting something just because the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence. Stay the course.

The way I see it.. a GED is just as good as a diploma, and most employers will say the same.. I dropped out and I’m employed and doing fine.. but seriously if you’re 18 and almost done anyways, just finish. You’ll feel stupid for the rest of your life for not just doing the damn thing.. At least you wont have to tell people you dropped out. just do it and get it over with for your self confidance later.

Why drop out now?You only have a few months to go and will soon be out of there.Could you arrange with the company that you could start as soon as youhavefinished high school and get your diploma from high school.You need a high school certificate under your belt in case you decide to something else and this job might not work out.

hey, im almost 18 and a senior. u said that its so u can go to a certain college thing and be in the music industry? why not just finish high school and then go to the college. in case this college and job dont work out for u and u dont end up making as much money as u thought u would, its a good idea to just finish high school. u dont want to end up having to get ur GED in a few years, that will be a pain.

when i first read this i was like don’t drop out, now i see that your not just dropping out for nothing (in regard to the addition details you added)

do what you feel is best. i still advise you to stay in school even though you have another opportunity awaiting you imagine that it doesn’t work out and then you’ll be left without a job and without a high school diploma. you NEED that diploma. don’t make quick decisions, talk to your parents and guidance counselor about it PLEASE.

if your set on doing something your gonna do it anyway regardless, but i advise you to think before you leap.


Y would you want to drop out? It is hard out there with out your education or a GED.

I believe at 18 you don’t have to do anything except go to your guidance counselor and sign yourself out – however, you’re parents may feel that since you are not in school that you are grown enough to accept the responsibility of taking care of yourself with out their assistance or for you to live under their roof.

There are consequences to all of our decisions whether good or bad and I think that you would be making a bad one dropping out of school completely – see if you can get into adult night school and take your GED.


Someone needs to kick your @ss if you drop out, because that’s what you’ll be doing the rest of your life. Your close to finishing, and today’s world is tough. You wont find a decent job without a diploma. I had the same idea and my dad made me finish, and I think god every day he did. Do yourself a favor, stay in school. Don’t do it for me or anyone else, do it for yourself, later you”ll be glad you did..

SMX™ — Lover Of Hero @};-
Not a dam nclue why you would want to drop out of school.I thought London kids were more intelligent than us Americans. And i’m sure schools are better over there which would be a good reason why thy are intelligent. You seem like a rebellious type of guy. I think you should stay in school and hope for a better future.

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