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High School Football?

Ok, I’m in a high school football team, but I already have enough to worry about in academics. I don’t know what I should do, should I quit football or stay with it? I don’t really like football and I actually don’t like being on the team, even though I tell everyone I do, I just don’t want to let anyone down or look like a wimp, its just too much pressure and I can’t really concentrate on school during the season, but I’m also really good at it, I just don’t enjoy it though, what should I do?

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I played O/D tackle in high school and I didn’t play my Junior year. I wasn’t into it and my coach was an a**hole. Your studies should come first. I always played for the fun of the game, and my coaches wanted to get my fired up and mad but that really wasn’t me. One coach said to me “Get mad, act like the other team is f*cking your mother”. I just wanted to laugh at him, but I didn’t, and finished the season. Since it is still August, I assume classes and games haven’t started yet. Quit as soon as possible. Miss some practices and call the coach. First be sure your parents understand and they support your decision. Good luck, study hard, and if the urge hits you to play in the future go for it!

i know how fustrating your situation is…and i know it really sucks. well, you said you dont enjoy football much, and you also said your worried about your academics… i think its best for you to take a break from football. if you feel relieved having time off from the sport, then youll see you have made the right decision. if not, you can always come back to your team again. Those who think you are a wimp for quitting, arent really your friends.. your true buddies will really take your reasons into consideration!… well… good luck and i hope you make the right desicion…

are you a starter or are you just on the team? in a way you have committed for the season, you at least see it thru, you have great reasons and i admire the fact you worry about your school work, but you have to make the decision about what is best for you. i would talk to the coach explain everything openly and honestly and he will respect your decision. My husband did that in college and it was alot better to stop playing because of school work rather than just to give up because you do not like it

Everyone thinks therye good at football. You should concentrate on something you like, this way you get that extracirricular youll enjoy doing plus you wont regret it even if it hurts your grade a little. If it hurts your grade a lot, then its not the activities fault, you just cant handle it because you should be able to do a sport or activity plus school.

Monica F
I think you answered your own question… it’s obviously not worth it.

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