How to make high school friends (girls) and fast?
I’m starting high school come the fall, but am stuck with the 3 other guys who got accepted as well as me, a girl. I no longer want to associate with them starting the first day. I have an open house on the 29th of August, would that be a good day to make new friends? Also, I don’t want to be known as the girl who walks around with the 3 guys from IB after a few classes. How could i be really out going the first day, and find people within my class to walk with, without being nosey and looking at their schedules?
Note* I have I think, 25 or 50 kids in my IB class alone (2 seperate classes)
Top 6 Answers
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i wouldn’t blow the guys off,but your choice.why don’t you just talk to some girls and ask them they’re schedule?i would think you could become popular walking around with the guys ,though.some girls might want to know one of them.why do you need to make friends fast?
Just talk to the people in your class. They are not gonna be mean to you. Do ya’ll have sports or clubs at your school?? You should join one because I did and made a lot of friends! Good luck!
Just be yourself
at lunch, go sit with the other girls (they do tend to sit together)
. Just don’t be the first one to lunch, or the last.
In class, talk to your classmates, make friends…
Don’t totally ignore your old classmates (i assume), just don’t spend that much time with them and you should be fine…
if i were you, I wouldnt completely ditch your guy friends, but just try to talk to someone, you’ll probably make friends fast anyway.
play a sport
maybe if during class you ask them for help or something, after class you could be like thanks and you could end up being friends