Does getting all A’s in middle school help you a whole lot in college?
Does getting all A’s in middle school help you a whole lot in college?
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Yes it most certainly does. Take it one step at a time though. Good grades in middle school; then good grades in high school. You will have an easier transition into a college or university with consistently earning good grades during your early academic career. Make no mistake, college is hard. However, you can be better prepared by having a solid educational foundation. That foundation includes good grades in middle school. Good luck.
Middle school has nothing to do with real life at all. Your high school doesn’t even care what you got in middle school. Getting all A’s in high school is important but still won’t help you much in college unless you take loads of AP and dual enrollment courses.
Colleges may look at grades in 8th grade. Mostly for beginning Algebra, foreign language or science. But it is highly unlikely.
Don’t just think education. You should think about what is does for you. You are setting a pattern for later in life. Learning how to learn, taking responsibility and caring about finishing a quality job. Those skill will translate into better grades in the future and a person that employers and spouses want.
Good luck.
No. They won’t even look at your middle school grades. Good Middle School grades DO help you get into better courses in High School, which colleges do like.
yes and no…, your grades in middle school do not affect getting in to any colleges BUT it helps to get good grades in middle school so you can keep them up in high school because your HS grades are the ones colleges look at.
keep working hard!
no, colleges never even see those grades. If you continue the trend though and get in to good courses in high school and continue to get mostly A’s that will take you far in college
No. Middle school grades dont matter. They just build habits for high school.
honestly it doesnt. that doesnt mean that you shouldnt just stop it helps you get into highh school and how you do in high school helps you get into a good college. so i guess it does sort of help but not too much.
keep up the good grades.
If you work hard and learn a lot from every course you ever take, you will do well in life.
actually i am not sure it depends. wht school u r in.