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Which do you think have more influence the classmates or parents on a child’s success in education?

Which do you think have more influence the classmates or parents on a child’s success in education?

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Of course parents! A child’s core values are influenced by his parents and are ingrained in his psyche during his formative years. As the child grows older, he might be infuenced by his peers but when making important decisions such as education, career, and even marriage, he usually goes back to his core values; his roots

I believe the parents influence everything about a child’s educational success. They are the model by which the child learns to live, and that extends into the child’s school career. That can be demonstrated by both kids who have parents who are overzealous and push their kids and those whose parents just don’t care and see school as a babysitter. Parents who model good work roles are visible through kids who know when it is time to do their work and when it is time to play or goof off.

Of course at some level classmates have some influence as well. If there is a child in a class that has a special need that requires the teacher to give that student more attention, that definitely influences how the other child feels about that class which in turn affects how well they do. If their friend is or is not in the same class, they may not do as well, or may do better. But these are happening after the parents have had at least 5 years to influence their child’s learning skills and habits, so classmates tend to be the lesser of the influences.


Carla A
Although classmates can influence a child’s success in education, the greatest influence falls on the parents. Children might try to be cool rather than smart at school, but the parents need to step in immediately. Here’s a concept: if the child is getting into trouble or failing, the parents can take away the phone, computer, tv, Ipod, video games, and most importantly… hanging out with friends. Sit down with the child at night and do schoolwork. Find a tutor (most schools offer free tutoring or some sort of remedial program). Don’t allow your child to fall through the cracks!!!

Summer B
I think it depends. As a middle school teacher I have seen it both ways. When the parent is involved in the child’s life the parent or the fear of disappointing the parent influences the child’s success. On the other hand if the parent is absent or too busy to be involved in the child’s life then the classmates influence the child’s success.

The child’s ablities has more to do with success than anything else.

But a child’s success can be influenced by classmates. When my cousin was in school, he could have easily gotten straight A’s all the time, but he purposefully worked to get mostly B’s and the occastional A. He did this because he was teased when he got A’s.

Now a child’s happiness can greatly be influenced by classmates as well. Children can be very crule to each other and those children who find themselves victums to bullies will be very unhappy. This unhappiness can lead to depression, suicide and poor marks.


Of course parents have have more influence on child’s success, and not only in education, in everything. Parents are people who are always with a child. They are the people who really want their child’s success and they can encourage s\he to study hard or to do something that the child wishes to do.

amit gANGULY

Actually, the correct answer should be the parent(s). The fact of the matter is as parents, we have the first and most influential presence over our children. We are the first care-givers, the first nurturer’s, the first ones who teach (i.e., to talk, to walk, to know right from wrong, etc) our children how to perform in life. And the sad thing is, if we miss this opportunity as parents to teach the right things, our children then fall prey to teacher’s who are not qualified and fall short, instructors who don’t care and waste time, other personnel and faculty that are there just to make a buck.

Jason D
I think both could be a huge hinderance. Your parents might brag to other parents trying to make you look like a scholar, which in turn, puts more pressure on you. If you sit next to one of your friends who likes to chat and laugh all the time, sure ull have fun, but its a major distraction.

Sammi D

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