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leanna m

what supply’s will you need for school?

im in high school i know the basics but what exactly would should i get

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You’ll need the obvious: pens, pencils, highlighter..enough to get you through the year. A pencil case can come in handy, too. Also, you’ll want a lot of looseleaf paper.

Next comes your choice: how do you want to organize? I’d recommend keeping a three-ring binder for each subject (that’s what I did throughout high school), but if you like the notebook-and-folder technique, thats okay too. Three ring binders are nice, because you can buy some dividers and organize your stuff even better.

Also, don’t forget a backpack or bag.

Most teachers will tell you the first day or so exactly what you’ll need for their class — then you can head out to the offfice supply store again and pick up whatever you were missing.

Basically, the supplies are similar to middle school.


The most essential supplies for back to school are..

bag or backpack


pencils (#2 preferred)

loose leaf binder and loose leaf filler

composition notebook


paint brushes

watercolor paint

Elmer’s glue

pencil sharpeners




and dictionary.


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