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I’m going into high school. any advice for getting through high school and enjoying it?

I’m going into high school. any advice for getting through high school and enjoying it?

Top 3 Answers
Julie Q

Favorite Answer


1) DON’T let yourself feel intimidated by other people — Have self-confidence; put yourself above drama-creating people by AVOIDING their drama. How do you do this? It’s simple; just don’t let yourself care about what they do. Not reacting – not giving them the attention they crave – is the biggest insult.

2) Don’t talk about other people. Yes, that girl in the low cut shirt is trashy looking. As is that fake, tan girl. And what about that girl who’s staring you down? Resist the urge to acknowledge any of them, don’t whisper about them to your friend. Put on a confident smile – it’s the best way to deal with it.

3) Be the nice girl. Smile a lot, be kind to other. If someone hands you an insult, laugh it off. My favorite response is “Whatever, that’s cool.” It shows that you’re above their drama.

4) Finally, be happy with yourself and your friends. Constantly trying to climb the social hierarchy and become more popular is just not efficient. Focus on your school work and enjoy your friends.


You need to be yourself first off. Relax and enjoy the year as if it were any other year. It’s a bit more challenging that middle school, but you’ll get through it. Don’t get stuck up on boys, you can catch up with them later. Focus, most of all, on your schoolwork. That’ll basically be your future.

do anything and everything you can balence and still get good grades…and just make the right friends…. i just graduated and i have a few regrates but i had a blast once i fell in with a group that i liked

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