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How can they say there are no negatives about…?

There is a new charter school opening up in my city that is a dual immersion academy. The days are alternating Spanish and English only. They claim there are no negative reports or facts about dual immersion programs. The local elementary school that also uses dual immersion, can barely score 23% proficiency on the basic skills test. Is it me or is there really a problem with these people’s thinking?

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Dual language programs are extremely effective… when implemented properly. I’m a teacher and currently working on my masters in curriculum & instruction & ESL endorsement. I finished a research paper a few weeks ago on dual language programs, their problems and best practices.

The problem found by most researchers is that teachers and administrators are not adequately trained for dual language instruction programs. There are specific methods that must be used to make the program work. If the teachers are just randomly speaking in both languages, the program will not be as effective.

It sounds to me like the academy you’re talking about either has ineffective teachers or poor planning.

I encourage you to do some research and take your findings to a school board meeting. Dual language programs have amazing possibilities, if they are implemented correctly.


Well, I don’t know that it’s the fault of the immersion program…the ones that I’ve seen, that do the program right, have incredible results. I think it’s probably more the school. I was looking around the other night and found testing results for several states, and honestly, they were miserable for the most part.

I really haven’t seen any negative results about the program itself, but in the hands of an already poor school (or done incorrectly), yes, it can definitely fail. I would look a little further – have there been any changes in the school since the immersion program was instituted?

Also, many immersion programs that I’ve seen do alternating parts of the day – English in the morning and Spanish or French in the afternoon, for example. I think that this would work much better, as a whole.

Anyway…hope that helps?


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