Do you think it is a good idea to make people pay when they hop on the orange school buses to get to school?
Well our bus has just introduced this thing where you must have your own identy card and pay to get on the bus to school when we only go to primary school.
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In larger districts, ID cards might be needed, either for the school bus or the school building.
Paying is pretty odd, though. Perhaps you’re going to a private school? If so, some states may not require free school bus transportation for private schools. Otherwise, it’s pretty unusual.
That makes no sense. I can understand the identity card, but not having to pay to get on the bus to get an education. What if the kids that do ride the bus to school do not have the kind of money to pay to ride the bus? That just doesn’t seem right to me.
The ID card sounds good. But if you are going to a Public School, thats not right that is what taxes, and education bonds go towards. If you would email me to tell me if it’s a public school or private and where the school is I would be very interested!!
Identity card yes.
Pay when outside the limits, no. The idea is to get kids to school, not make money. That’s why free buses.
Thats wrong. Isn’t that one of the thing tax dollars go towards?