What are some forms of discipline with Elementary, junior high and high school age children?
What do you think the best forms of discilpine work best? Whats the difference between parents and teachers discipling children>
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For children under 2, a firm no, and perhaps sitting on a char, 3-6 time outs (one minute per year of age) seem to work best. 7-14 grounding from toys, park, friends seem to work for me, 15 and up you need to get creative, it depends on if your child has done something really wrong (drugs, sneaking out, stealing etc) or something minor (fighting with siblings, back talking, etc). Grounding from friends, car, phone, usually has good impact. I would not spank a child over 13. I think they are beyond that.
I think parents have a right to discipline their children how they see fit, as long as it is not child abuse, however teachers should be more cautious. I think schools giving detentions and suspinsions (sp?) are ok, they should talk to a parent if harsher punishments are needed. Teachers should never lay a hand on a child, I firmly believe only a parent should spank, not a teacher, grandparent, or babysitter.
Generally, depriving the child of something they want seems to be the most effective. Not that discipline is ever easy, but I would expect parents to have little less trouble than teachers, mostly because of the “I brought you into this world I can take you out of it” argument. For punishment teachers could do, I’ve often thought that suspension (in school or otherwise) was more of a reward–after all, it’s getting the kid out of class. Making them do extra work, not letting them have recess, or making them stay late would probably work better. Public humiliation is also very effective, but you have to be really careful with it nowadays.
Sometimes a good spanking is most effective, but I wouldn’t administer one if I wasn’t the child’s parent (lawsuits & jailtime).
A parent would take away a priveledge like TV or Computer. A teacher would give a kid a warning, referral, lunch detention, suspension, expulsion. Things like that.
well for parents i would suggest whoopins. for teachers i would suggest failing after a certain number of major disciplinary problems.