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going to middle school any advice?

going to middle school any advice?

Top 9 Answers

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hmmm… im going in the 8th grade, and the most important thing is to be yourself. dont do what other ppl want you to do, but of course be open to them. but make sure you dont stick out in a bad way i.e. get into trouble, make bad grades, be cold to everyone & a loner, etc. just grow up a bit, and be the best you can be, and do the best you can do. =]

This is the start of the beginning of your life. This is when you must start to take school very seriously so you an continue through High school and then College. At your age it is easy to get into trouble and I am sure you have GIRLS on your mind. Trust me when i say the girls can wait.

Have Fun and make new friends! The next 6 years of your life are going to be the best so ENJOY! it will go by so fast……and being an adult is not fun at all. I wish someone gave me this advice when I was your age!

Good Luck!!!! Study HARD!


Do your best in your work. Make as many friends as possible and most important, don’t let yourself get picked on. I got picked on all through my middle school. Of course that was back in the 80’s and my hair was the reason i got picked on.

I don’t think that will be a problem for you.


give teachers respect do not get behind on work. basically the same things for elementary school. ask teacher if you get lost. don’t ask other kids!! i learned that they will give you the wrong directions just to get a laugh. visit the school and walk around it just to see the main things like the gym and cafeteria and stuff is. keep your cool and do not get overly stressed( it won’t help). don’t follow trends set them and keep your head in the classes. good luck

Relax and have fun.

Don’t get behind in your school work.

Go to school everyday! Don’t skip, it’s not smart.

Show the teachers respect and they’ll respect you, and don’t stress out too much!


Hey it not so bad if you can get past the monster popular pretenders. Those kids are just jerks ignore them. I know I have to live with them for 2 more years.

tony s
hey go to

and it might tell you when ryan ‘s haveing a skate demo

last year he had one

sundiego is always have demos


u jus asked basically asked the same question!

miriam s
relax its not as bad as you think,You will have fun!

Give your grades a lift Order