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what is the difference between chinese writings and americans writing?

please give at least 2 things that’s different

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Because of language differences, there’s a difference in the tone and style of the way things are said. For comparison, read translatd books/essays by Chinese writers and books/essays by English essayists and authors. You’ll realize that Chinese sentence structures utilize longer sentences with more clauses than the average American writer.

Oftne what’s lost in translation is the diction of Chinese writers. The rhythm of words and choice of language is different for every language; I studied French, Chinese, and English literature, and in each case there’s a certain diction and syntax format for each language. French novels of the 20th century adhere to a solid sentence strucutre, while Chinese writers deviate. .

Because the evolution of Chinese writing has been a stop-and-go sort of trend from Song to Qing Dynasties, you see dramatically different trends of ideas that do not necessarily build on each other. In American writing, well, each person has his/her own opinion, but I believe in a certain evolutionary shape of American writing.

In terms of the formation of language, yes, someyank is right in saying that individual pieces of characters don’t mean anything, even words used in phrases. In some phrases, words can’t act alone and only make sense when placed together. Then they mean something. But if you ask for the meaning of a specific word, there is actually no meaning. Whereas in English, let’s say you take the phrase “turn on a dime.” Turn means something by itself. Dime means something by itself. In Chinese, none of the individual words mean anything.


4 years ago
no one suggested the reality that Canada is a MONARCHY, not a republic. the top of State is Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada. The Governor-familiar represents her. in the process the yankee conflict for Independence 20-25 of the white colonials sided with the King, approximately 500,000. 10% went to Canada and a few 15,000 others went to the united kingdom or the Caribbean. some 12,000 blacks have been taken the two as slaves or freed. people who went to Canada have been referred to as Loyalists or the KIng’s unswerving individuals. yet another 30,000 immigrated from the States to Ontario in the process the 1790s and early 1800s. The earliest settlers in Nova Scotia have been 8000 New Englanders who went there in the 1750s and 60s to interchange the ousted French settlers or Cajuns who have been settled in the 13 southern colonies or went to Lousiana. till approximately 1830 English-conversing Canada had a suggested American style because of the origins of the inhabitants and before large scale immigration from Britain and eire commencing approximately 1820 presented a greater ‘British’ experience. it is why Canadians and individuals esp. in the top American states are so comparable.

My very uneducated observations as follows:

Chinese writing uses characters that mean a word. Multiple characters are combined to form other words. In English, most letters mean nothing on their own. They only take on a meaning when combined as a word

Chinese writing consists of about 265 “Radicals”. These are the basic building block words that form others

Note: If a subject matter expert reads this, I appreciate a comment as whether I have this completely right or not,


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