i want to change my style for 8th grade?
im not a popular or geek or nerd person at school me and my friends are the normal group…like the jocks hang out wit the jocks, the cheerleaders hang out wit the cheerleaders, and such…wat kind of style would i like? i have long hair(brown)but not to long hair brown eyes, 5 ft. 2 inches,no bangs. so plz help me with my style?
Top 3 Answers
Favorite Answer
f*** that italian man who just answered.. i know SO many muslims who wear “normal” clothes.. im one of them
anyways.. ur question
dont have a specific style.. have some variety… im like you but i go for the jeans and tshirt thing.. or maybe a mini skirt and a cute top.. or a jersy dress with leggings…oh and i have brown hair and brows eyes too :p btw, black and white are “in” now so maybe you wanna try some stuff like that? Skinny jeans are still cute.. hope i helped 🙂
Well, what kind of style WOULD you like?
Only you can answer that question. Go shopping and find some clothes you like, that will be your style.
muslisms clothes