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What series of book can my 10 year old son start reading now?

What series of book can my 10 year old son start reading now?

Top 10 Answers

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There are many good series, it really depends on what his reading level is, and if he enjoys short vs longer chapter books.

Some suggestions are:

The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S Lewis.

The Kingdoms Dawn Series, by Chuck Black.

My Side of the Mountain

On the Far Side of the Mountain

Frightful’s Mountain, all three by Jean Graighead George.

The Prydain Chronicles; consists of:

The Book of Three

The Black Cauldron

The Castle of Llyr

Taran Wanderer

The High King, all five by Lloyd Alexander.

The Cooper Kids Adventure Series, by Frank Peretti.

The Great Illustrated Classics Series, varied authors.

The Incredible World of Wally McDoogle Series, by Bill Myers.

The Sugar Creek Gang Series, by Paul Hutchens.

Trail Blazer Books, by Dave & Neta Jackson.

Hope this helps, have fun.


When I was 10 years old I started reading The Chronicles Of Narnia and The Harry Potter series. The first books are for younger readers and they mature along with him. I also began reading the Time Quartet series. They are by Madeleine L’Engle and consist of:

1 A Wrinkle in Time

2 A Wind in the Door

3 Many Waters

4 A Swiftly Tilting Planet

5 An Acceptable Time (Time Quintet).

The book titles might sound mature, but I found them to be easy readers.

There are many great childrens books by C.S. Lewis that are not in series. Check those out, too. He was an awesome author.

Have him try out The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twin.


Swallows & Amazons


Redwall Series

The Little Britches Series by Ralph Moody

The Hardy Boys

Boxcar Children

Peter and The Starcatchers/Peter and the Shadow Theives

Eragon & Eldest are higher level books

Geronimo Stilton

The Little house Books

Hank the Cowdog books

as well as some of the ones listed above (we don’t do Harry Potter) including the Trailblazer series.

I would suggest a trip to the bookstore/Christian bookstore and the library to see what appeals to him. Just don’t buy abridged or dumbed down versions! You can also use a reading list for suggestions – the Sonlight catalog is a good source to take to the library.


My 9 y.o. son loves the Narnia series, Geronimo Stilton series, the three books in the Rats of NIMH, and the Great Illustrated Classics. My son has read all the Time Warp Trio books by Jon Scieszka a year or so ago. They have a lot of good “boy humor” and history. He actually enjoys non-fiction more. He’s been loving the “Imponderables” series lately.

Usborne books has some good adaptations of classic books.

I’m sure your librarian can help you find some good ones.

Also, Book Adventure has a book search that’s nice. Perhaps that would help. My son loves earning points and prizes on there! They change prizes frequently, or you can make your own incentive.


A to Z Mysteries, Magic Tree House, and Ricky Ricotta series are examples that are fun and easier to read. The Artemis Fowl series, Redwall series, and Narnia are for higher level readers. Matt Christopher writes a series of sports related chapter books. Many boys are interested in reading non-fiction which is great. One example is the Eyewitness series of books.

It is so gratifying to read so many responses proving that people love reading and love books! I would second all the choices I saw listed by others and also add one recommendation.

In all the years I taught my children in home school, sharing books I loved and discovering new ones, I totally missed the boat with my son, Trevor. He would not connect with CS Lewis, or the Indian in the Cupboard series or Newberry books or classics or anything. And such a bright boy!

One day in a public library in Southern Utah he pointed out a whole section of books asking me what they were. It was the non-fiction section! It never occured to me non-fiction would totally turn him on to reading! No fun ficticious stories with fun characters doing fun things.

He loved the well-written books on rockets and electricity and dream interpretation, probability and all kinds of inventors and a book on biofluorescence, (look it up! Bet you love it too!)

You may have a reader who will devour books about real things and teach you cool stuff along the way! Happy reading! Aunt Roxy


in His image
My kids like the ‘Left Behind’ series for kids it is really great for young Christians (if y’all are) and is a good character builder because they have to think about what they would be like if tragedy struck them The ones that we bought have questions in the back so that after they read the book we can go over them to make sure they understood the dialog and ask what they would have done in a similar situation it has been a great tool for us

My brother hated reading and had allot of trouble in school. My parents bought him a set of Tom Swift books and that started his passion for reading. The books are definitely boy oriented.

Magice Tree House is a great series.

The Magic Tree House is a great series I have been reading it since I was nine and it also has some history and geography wrapped in they are great!!

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