What do I do about Florida Virtual School?
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If you are having trouble finishing at this point, it sounds like you put off the work and didn’t work consistently throughout the school year. As a result everything is now due all at once. Online education works, but only if you are willing to work on the lessons daily and try to finish early. You need to see what you can get done at this late date and try to get some credits. You may not be able to get everything done, but some credit is better than none.
Talk to your teachers and see what you need to do to pass classes. Pick the class that you have the most done and try to get it done this week. Pick another class and try to finish it next week. Set a goal of finishing so many lessons every day and get to that goal. You can finish at least part of the lessons, but you have to be willing to work. Set small goals to accomplish the large goal.
You have to treat the school work like your job–it comes before anything else (except maybe your dance). No tv, no computer (other than the school work), no friends (okay, maybe ONCE a week for a couple of hours). ADDED: I meant the rest of this school year, for you to finish up. You CAN likely get it all done if you devote your time to it. It probably isn’t impossible, it just means working your butt off every second you can.
Also, instead of going back to school (how are you going to dance full-time AND be in school full-time AND do your homework??), consider homeschooling a different way. You don’t have to do online learning to do your schooling at home.
That said, finish your online school, then start late to your high school. I know this isn’t probably what you wanted, but it’s the only possibility I see.
Good Luck 😉