ok i need advice!?
Favorite Answer
If people are mean, they’ll find a way to be mean again once you’re in school. Also, if the guys really do favour you, it’ll mean the girls will be witches toward you. Especially through grades 6-8. Something to keep in mind.
Another thing to look at is how you have enjoyed homeschooling this past year and how will it compare to sitting in a desk most of the day, bringing home homework at night (gr. 6 means homework pretty much every day–expect about an hour of it).
My personal recommendation would be to stay home and work on your self-confidence, feeling worthy about yourself regardless of how others approve of your appearance.
ADDED: How to make friends: Check local churches, community centre, newspaper, etc. to find out about lessons, activities, clubs, etc. What do the kids do there when they’re NOT in school? I mean on the weekends, during the summer? Is there any chance of there being any other homeschoolers there?
You need to learn a better way to handle other people’s teasing and not just think: ‘okay i get teased cuz I’m overweight so I’ll lose weight’ (!!!). That’s not a solution to being picked on cuz there’s always going to be someone in the world who’ll get their kicks by teasing etc and, as you’ve already found out, if they’re gonna tease you they’ll tease you regardless of what you do; so you lost weight and they stopped teasing you cuz you were overweight but then they started teasing you cuz of your height and the size of your boobs! Even if you could change those things too, I pretty much guarantee the teasing wouldn’t stop, they’d just find some other reason to tease you. Also it’ll help you handle the other girls if/when they turn against you cuz the boys fancy you more than they fancy them!
Get some confidence/assertiveness training first and you’ll be in a much better position to hold your own against the people at school who you see as being ‘mean’; learn how not to let other kids’ teasing, attitudes and prejudices bother you and you’ll be in a much stronger position to enjoy and thrive in the public school system.
If that is the only reason you want to go to public school, then stay home a bit longer until you mature a bit more and make sure it is absolutely what you want to do no matter what.
It would be terrible if you went, and then the guys began to think you weren’t so hot after all, or they did but the girls were jealous and didn’t want to be friends, then you were miserable and wanted to go back home again.
If you really really want to go to PS I will not judge you for that decision, but make sure it is an informed decision and you know what will be required of you to get in to the public system again.
but again, don’t make decisions because someone thinks you are hot. The new will wear off. It always does.
NO boy would TEASE you for being 11 and a B, they’d want to learn about feeling for lumps!
It must be A cup girls who are jealous becuase you have something to BRAG about
You are every reason in the world why NOT to go to Public School and why to homeschool!
I think you should continue to homeschool and work on your self esteem. What you do or do not do should not be based upon the comments of others.
Your parents can help you with your self esteem, get you into assertiveness training, etc.