close to reaching student loan limits and still have an internship to do, now what?
So, I’m close to maxing out my student loan limit, and I’m in an undergraduate program that is 18 months long. The annual limit they allow me for my junior and senior year is only enough to cover me for fall and spring..what am I supposed to do to cover myself through the next two summers while I’m going to class AND an internship that’s not going to allow me to work to earn part of my tuition?
Top 2 Answers
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If you are close to the max availability for a federal stafford loan, then you would probably need to look at receiving a private loan. There are many lenders out there, but you can get some good information at .
You will also want to talk with a financial aid officer at your school. S/he/they will have more information and guidance on what alternatives you may be able to pursue.
Good luck!
a quick web search came up with lots of results but this is the best one i could find for you.