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A little Southern Comfort

Where do I start with student loans?

Could someone please kindly explain where on earth I would begin? I am 25 years old and married. I want to go back to Nursing school and tuition is $13,000 per year for two years. Plus i need to do prereq courses and thats going to be about 8000.00 ofr the first year. So I am looking at a total of $34000.00. Thats not including books and stuff. Id this unrealistic and where in the heck do I start???? Scholarships? Pell-grants? (WHat is a pell grant?) Please help! Thank you! Your time is greatly appreciated!

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Well the first thing you do is research and fill out the FAFSA. (Free Application For Student Aid). You can get these at financial aid offices and libraries. Then, you need to contact your school’s financial aid office for more information. Research service cancelable loans. These are loans that are given to students majoring in critical subjects. Luckily for you, Nursing is a critical field. Once you graduate from Nursing school, and work in a certain area for a certain amount of years, all or some of your loans can be completely forgiven. You may want to consider the Stafford (subsidized and unsubsidized) and Perkins loans. Please see the links below for more information.

Lastly, research scholarships and grants which is money that does not have to be paid back. Federal Pell Grants, and the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants are also avaiable should you qualify.


All right. You are going through a hectic time just as my sister was.

My sister talked to people at the front counter in the Student Union building. They said to look for scholarships first. For this, go around to local businesses that are great for customer services. Some owners of Burger King grant scholarships to youth who are entering college. My next bit of advice is to go to a highly trusted loans organization and from there they will help you decide what amount you wish to take out and they will go over the qualifications of this. As I do not know the qualifications for any businesses I can not help you there.

Here is one more option. The military. They will pay for your college on everything, and will give you living expenses checks called G.I. bills to help you with dorms and all that. Since you are going into college you may enlist as an officer and depending on what field you sign up for and how well you score on the ASVAB you may be qualified for a bonus up to $64,000.

This is all I can reccomend. So look for Student Loans businesses, scolarships, and consider the military.

Good Luck!


A Pell Grant is free money that you don’t have to pay back. Get and apply for as many grants as possible. Try and exhaust this option before getting loans. Scholarships are good too!

Go to the financial aid office at the college you’ll be attending. They can sort it out better than us. It’s been so long ago, I can’t remember where I got my apps from. Pell Grants are grants that are awarded to those who need them (based on income). There are tons of loans, and there are State grants as well.

why join the military check your local national student loan database its has every federal and non federal student loan out their also try this sight pell grant application, and us government grants this is just a small amount of info try your library as well they have tons of information that can also help you should also check for nursing scholarships that are available

Don’t overlook hospitals. In areas where nurses are scarce, some will actually pay for your school, if you sign a contract to stay with them for 2-5 yrs.

4 years ago
if your activity promises a 401K i could evaluate that because of the loose company adventure. yet whilst the alternative is an IRA, i could practice a minimum of most of the better to paying off the pupil loan. do away with as lots debt as you could.

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