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Dose anybody know were i could get money to attend school in Wash DC?

For students over 25.

Top 4 Answers

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Fill out a FASA form, and look for other student loans, scholarships, and grants or get a job and work part time while you attend class. Sometimes you have to work hard to get what you want out of life.

First, decide what school you want to attend. Then go to and fill out the application. This will help in finding out what money you could qualify for. They will give your information to the school. You can also apply for student loans. Go to the financial aid office at the school and they will have applications to fill out. The fafsa will qualify you for grants and things like that. Grants don’t have to be paid back. Student loans don’t come due until 6 months after you stop attending school full time. They also have very reasonable interest rates and your credit doesn’t matter. Good luck.

FAFSA, Fast Web, CSS Profile Online, Scottish Rite (if attending George Washington University).

You can also check out these private loan offerings:


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