Ex attends college of choice?
Thanks =)
Favorite Answer
Go to a different school, and you are just giving in to his pressure.
If you bump into him, this is what you do (and I am serious, this works): Smile at him. be genuinely interested in his life, for about one minute, and then walk away. Don’t talk to him again, but make sure he sees that you are having fun and thriving without him in your life.
When guys make powerplays like the one he is doing over you, its because he wants to make it seem that you can’t survive in the world without him.
The best way to show that he has no power over you is to do the one thing he dreads: You doing your own thing, on your own time, without him.
Soon, he might just give up and go bother someone else.
If that doesn’t work, there is always that elusive restraining order. LOL
Also, don’t tell him that you are planning to go to his school, the surprise of having you there if he sees you is an added bonus.