Why did my car broke?
WHy. tell me right now.
Top 6 Answers
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My guess? It won’t start.
If it won’t start, begin by checking the battery and alternator.
Is it a bad starter? Try banging on the starter with a hammer while someone cranks it over.
A bad fuel pump? Do the same thing to the gas tank, but use a rubber mallet instead just so you don’t damage the gas tank.
If any of those are bad, you’ll need to replace them.
Have you had any other problems or a check engine light recently? If it’s a no-start, does it even try to start?
Umm……how old are you? If you’re old enough to get on the computer and actually come to the yahoo questions and answers section, then you should be old enough to know that that sentence makes absolutely no sense at all.
Good question.
Umm, Hooked on Phonics might help the other problem.
cause you do not use past tense in a question..Why did my car break?
It break because you hurted it.
because of the internal pestometer and the cudulino chamber. DUH