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Preschool child with stage fright?

I am a preschool teacher, there is this one child who, when my boss comes in and asks him questions, he goes totally dumb. for instance, the other day she came in and asked him to write the number 6, he froze and couldn’t do it. 2 seconds after she left, I asked him to write the number 6 and guess what…??? he did. with no hitches. this problem is affecting the way my boss thinks of me and there is a small chance I could get fired over it. I need some help!! 🙁

Top 8 Answers

Favorite Answer

Your boss is sick! A child is not a clown to perform when he or she claps hands. They are children that need love and encouragment. As you can tell, the child knows numbers. If he is freezing when your boss walks in, there must be a reason. If you think your boss will fire you because one child is hesitant to act like a puppet, look for another job. For one reason or the other, if not today, then tomorrow, your boss will find a way to fire you. Children that are scared into performing develop a life long hatred for learning!

EC Expert
There are a couple of possibilities. The first is that the child is picking up on your feelings when your boss enters the room. Some kids are more sensitive to the feelings of others and it is reflected in how they respond. If you are relaxed he may relax, so smile and be welcoming. Another possibility is that for some reason he sees the director as scary.Invite her to read to the class or to come in when you are doing something really interesting. Tell her a little about the kids-who loves blocks, who painted the picture on the wall, and include something about that child. Do not force him to interact with her.

I do not know why she is singling him out. Some people are really bothered by children who are shy. They somehow think this is a moral failing and they have to “fix” the child. In fact, most shy children outgrow most of it on their own and are perfectly happy not being the life of the party. If you really lose your job over this you are probably better off.


The boss should look-in from a distance as the child has performance anxiety. The teacher can show proof on paper. Strangers make anyone nervous.

Let the boss lady sit in back of room and see for herself. Teacher should be calm as child can sense nervousness when boss-lady comes in.


Why doesn’t she ask the other kids questions? Maybe she knows the kid is shy and only asks him cuz she has it out for you. Plus I agree with the other poster he’s not there to perform for her. If she wants to observe your work in the classroom she should spend the morning with the whole class just watching. That way she could see the kids in thier element. She sounds like a jerk!

leslie b
I bet your boss makes you uncomfortable and stressed. Young children take social cues from adults they trust, and maybe the young fella in question is picking up on your feelings because he trusts you. Try to relax when your boss is in the room. Treat her with respect, but smile and try to be warm and welcoming. Introduce her to your class as “my friend, Mrs. Smith.” Tell them your friend enjoys children and just wants to see what they do in their class. Show her around the room and introduce different children without focusing on this one child: “This is Mary. Mary likes to play with the dress up clothes. Mary, show Mrs. Smith your baby. Mary’s such a good mommy. This is Johnny and he is really good at building with blocks. Tell us what you’re building today Johnny.” In a short time, a lot of kids will want to show her their painting, or the book they’re making, etc. Maybe you can guide them to the chalkboard and ask them to show her how well they write their M or their J or their 3 or their 6. If everyone else is doing it, this little guy might want to join in too.

Discuss this with your boss ahead of time and explain why you want to handle this in this manner. She will be impressed that you took the initiative to try to come up with a way to solve this problem. But don’t tell her you got it on Yahoo Answers! Just tell her you’re corresponding with an early childhood teacher who suggested it! Email me and let me know how it works out!


Obviously the problem is not with you, but the way this child relates to authority figures. This translates to the child’s relationship with her parents. This child has serious problems at home.

the kid probally saw a show on where the boss is mean…maybe the child thinks the boss is mean.

he is intimidated by her…she sounds a bit nerdy for a preschool

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