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any tips in teaching the number 3 for nursery?

i need to think of a way to introduce the concept of number 3 to my nursery class. Any tips? please I need everyone! any suggestions or ideas is needed =)


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Show Seasame Street clips.

Have them count with raisins or something.

Ask them how old they are (if you have the 3s!)

Show them on their fingers.

Have them get themselves into groups of 3 (you may need to include yourself and/or your co-teacher to keep the numbers divisible)

Have them divide a piece of paper into 3 parts (show them how to fold it and draw lines on the folds) and in each section draw something with 3 parts (eg a flower with three petals, 3 of anything, a fork with three prongs, a plate with 3 cookies, etc)

Cut out lots of triangles and teach about 3 sides and 3 corners.

Sing the song “My Hat”

—–> My hat it has three corners; three corners has my hate; for had it not three corners; it would not be my hat.<--------- Then, you take out a word and just do the hand motion for it until you end up barely singing any words. Hat: make a triangle with your thumbs and pointer fingers and put it on your head. Three: hold up three fingers Corners: hold up the triangle made with your fingers in front of you. My: point to yourself (sign language is to put your right hand to your chest with your fingers all together flat) Not: shake your head and wag your finger Homework: have the kids bring in 3 of something (stuffed animals, coins, etc.) and show the class.


leslie b
Use the number three throughout each day that you wish to focus on this number. Choose three stories to read, ask for three volunteers to help with setting the table. Play a three game: ask each child to do three…whatever…such as jump three times…or clap your hands three times…or bring me three, red toys…or lets all take three sips of milk together, ready? 1 (sip) 2 (sip) 3 (sip)! yay! Write the number three on the chalkboard and invite the children to write one also. Make a variety of numbers out of construction paper, including lots of 3’s and play find me a three! Whoever brings you one gets an M & M. Do the Five Little Monkeys finger play but start at 3. Tell the Three Little Pigs and The Three Bears.

My kids love to listen to Schoolhouse Rock- Three is the magic number ! It’s a cute song about the number three…. Flashcard might work as well as object recognition.. .3 balls, or 3 blocks…

Do an interpative dance based on those crazy Sesame Street number shorts.

denise m
three little frogs jumping on a log one fell

down into the pond and a big alligator came swimming along and snap mmm! mmm! she’s gone

repeat the same till you have zero frogs

play red light green light counting three


try to use fruits like grape to count

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