any tips in teaching the number 3 for nursery?
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Have them count with raisins or something.
Ask them how old they are (if you have the 3s!)
Show them on their fingers.
Have them get themselves into groups of 3 (you may need to include yourself and/or your co-teacher to keep the numbers divisible)
Have them divide a piece of paper into 3 parts (show them how to fold it and draw lines on the folds) and in each section draw something with 3 parts (eg a flower with three petals, 3 of anything, a fork with three prongs, a plate with 3 cookies, etc)
Cut out lots of triangles and teach about 3 sides and 3 corners.
Sing the song “My Hat”
—–> My hat it has three corners; three corners has my hate; for had it not three corners; it would not be my hat.<--------- Then, you take out a word and just do the hand motion for it until you end up barely singing any words. Hat: make a triangle with your thumbs and pointer fingers and put it on your head. Three: hold up three fingers Corners: hold up the triangle made with your fingers in front of you. My: point to yourself (sign language is to put your right hand to your chest with your fingers all together flat) Not: shake your head and wag your finger Homework: have the kids bring in 3 of something (stuffed animals, coins, etc.) and show the class.
down into the pond and a big alligator came swimming along and snap mmm! mmm! she’s gone
repeat the same till you have zero frogs
play red light green light counting three