What should a 3 year old be learning in preschool and how do you teach them?
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To explain myself a little more….if this is a little boy and he really likes trains you should have books about trains…go see real trains, count trains and do a lot of active learning experiences around trains. Children tend to learn more if it is about something they are interested in. You can not sit a three year old down and tell them it is time to learn numbers or letters because this is too constructive. You need to begin with some abstract kinds of things. Children love to use all their senses while learning, they need to be actively engaged. My classrooms use the High/Scope approach to early learning and our three year olds really respond very positively. They learn very fast when they are having fun with it.
They should not be taught “school”, they lean by watching, and playing naturally.
If you feel the need to have a play group find one, or organize one with other parents.
If you need time with other adults, look into MOPS (mothers of pre-schoolers).