what is the meaning of love for you?
i need your opinion about love…thanks….
Top 5 Answers
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love is the opposite of indifference. heh.
Love is a disease first,Love is beautiful like butterfly second,Love is difficult 2 find third and Love is like a glass..
If u break it, it’s hard 2 fix,there is many meaning of LOVE but Loving u is not just having a cup a coffee.
Love has no meaning, it just is! Love is many things to me, but it has no meaning that I can think of. Love is a feeling and a state of mind, but if you are looking for a meaning I can’t help. What does it mean to you?
LOVE” I Love him and i love what he love and done not even he doesn’t feel the way i feel.
Trust, respect, loyalty and honesty.
And Happiness. =)
Key ingredients